Jody Ganiban
Professor, Clinical/Developmental Psychology; Director of Undergraduate Psychology Advising
Dr. Ganiban’s initial research focused upon the contributions of parent-child attachment relationships and child temperament to development within groups of children that differed in their genetic, temperamental, or environmental risks for emotional and behavioral problems, such as premature infants, toddlers with Down syndrome, maltreated children, and toddlers with feeding disorders. Since 1999, Dr. Ganiban’s research has incorporated behavioral genetic research techniques to examine further the interplay between environmental factors and personal characteristics in determining children’s and parents’ emotional and physical health. Her current projects include assessments of personality, temperament, and genetic makeup, as well as parenting behaviors and conflict between caregivers. These projects examine the contributions of children’s and parents’ personality on family relationships, and explore the extent to which family relationships influence the expression of genetic- or personality-based risks for maladjustment.
Ph.D. 1993, University of Rochester