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Department Newsletter

Sent exclusively to alumni, the Department of Psychology newsletter features alumni and department updates, as well as event information. If you are one of our alumni, update your contact information with the GW Office of Alumni Relations to start receiving this and other exclusive alumni benefits. 

Latest Issues: 2024, 20222021201920182017, 2016

Department Headlines


Imagine That: Professor Pictures Unique Mind’s Eye

Psychology’s Sarah Shomstein was skeptical of aphantasia, a phenomenon where people lack mental imagery. Then she looked inside her own head.

CCAS Graduate Degrees

New CCAS Graduate Degrees Expand Advanced Learning Opportunities

Starting Fall 2025, the new M.S. in applied psychology teaches students how to use psychological theory and methods to inform and improve real-world operations and outcomes.

Sofia Bertini

Budding Entrepreneurs Win Cash Prizes at 2024 New Venture Competition

Sofia Bertini, BA'24, and her group won first place for the Consumer Goods and Services Track, in addition to the Best Market Assessment specialty prize, winning $15,000.


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Colloquium Series

Moghaddam gave a talk  to a room full of students

The colloquium series brings together faculty and students from across the university to expand their perspectives on the latest developments in psychology.

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