Support Psychology
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Gifts to the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences provide support for faculty and student research and travel, doctoral student fellowships and academic enrichment activities. Your gift could support our visiting speakers and faculty, sponsor symposia events or even fund a brand-new initiative for students.
Every gift, large or small, furthers the Columbian College’s educational mission and cements its standing as one of the nation’s preeminent liberal arts colleges.
Support the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
To give securely online, visit our donation page. You can also make your gift in other ways:
- Mail your check, made out to the George Washington University and with the name of the department in the memo line, to
The George Washington University
P.O. Box 98131
Washington, DC 20090-8131
- Call the GW Division of Development and Alumni Relations at 1-800-789-2611 to make a donation by phone.
"Researching sexual assault prevention is a passion of mine. ... With the grants [I received], I was able to investigate ways to improve sexual assault prevention programs."
Jared Axelowitz
BS ’19
Summer Research Fellow and Luther Rice Fellow
Support the Rolf A. Peterson Scholarship
Established in honor of Professor Rolf Peterson’s prolific contributions to the field of clinical psychology and former leadership of the clinical psychology PhD program, the Rolf A. Peterson Scholarship was founded upon Peterson's retirement to fund PhD students working at the Meltzer Center. Peterson was the director of clinical training of the clinical PhD program from 1986 to 2005, and has continued to be involved in clinical training through teaching, research mentorship and providing supervision to students and faculty. He has researched anxiety disorders (notably "anxiety sensitivity") and health psychology, especially adjustment among dialysis patients, for over 30 years. He has authored more than 100 research and scholarly publications and mentored 81 dissertation students over 44 years, the last 27 of those at GW.
Support the Rolf A. Peterson Scholarship