Research Showcase 2021 Winners

April 17, 2021

Research Showcase 2021 was held Monday, April 12 through Friday, April 16. Discipline-based presentation winners from the department include:

Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience:
Sean Duane (undergraduate PBS major; mentor: Dr. Amy K. Sutton, NIDDK)
Motivational Drive for High-Fat Food Is Predicted by Initial Preference in Mice

Mental Health and Wellness:
Nicole Miller & Tim Scranton (undergraduate PBS majors; funded by a PBS Undergraduate Research and Service Grant; faculty mentor Dr. Michelle Stock)
Can trait self-compassion protect against the harmful effects of perceived weight stigma and COVID-19 related stress on weight-related behavior?

Cameryn Padron (undergraduate PBS major) & Andrew Gepty (Graduate student in Clinical Psychology; faculty mentor: Dr. Sharon Lambert)
Examining The Link Between Discrimination and Prosocial Behavior Among Latinx Adolescents: The Role of Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms and Gender

Health Sciences and Public Health:
Eric Owens (GCATS/MATS graduate student, GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences) & Jessica Bride (undergraduate PBS major; faculty mentor: Dr. Robert Turner)
Challenges in Resource Utilization for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: A Qualitative Study

Art Therapy, Psychology, and Wellness:
Samoni Nag (Graduate student in Cognitive Neuroscience; faculty mentor: Dr. Steve Mitroff)
Transitions in Daylight Saving Time Negatively Affect Visual Search Performance

Media, Communications, and Human Behavior:
Myra Zaheer (undergraduate PBS major; faculty mentor: Dr. Sarah Calabrese)
“No risk” vs. “low risk” messaging about HIV transmission risk when undetectable: Reactions and perceived accuracy among US MSM

Congratulations to all on a job well done!