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Department Newsletter





Sent exclusively to alumni, the Department of Psychology newsletter features alumni and department updates, as well as event information. If you are one of our alumni, update your contact information with the GW Office of Alumni Relations to start receiving this and other exclusive alumni benefits. 

Latest Issues: 2022, 2021201920182017, 2016, 2015, 2014


Department Headlines

Dr. Dwight Kravitz and Dr. Chunyue Teng (Ph.D. '19) publish research on perception and working memory

In GW Today, Dr. Dwight Kravitz discusses recent Ph.D. cognitive neuroscience graduate, Dr. Chunyue Teng's research.  She was first author on the publication in Nature Human Behavior. 

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What You Know is What You See

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience Sarah Shomstein’s recent research examines how the brain processes the size of objects. The findings could aid in predicting performance for jobs involving...

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Can Cognitive Science Help with Stroke Recovery?

How do the cognitive sciences help with brain injury? Watch the short overview video of some of the work done in the National Rehabilitation Hospital.


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Colloquium Series

Moghaddam gave a talk  to a room full of students

The colloquium series brings together faculty and students from across the university to expand their perspectives on the latest developments in psychology.

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