Core Faculty

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Stephen C Dopkins

Associate Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience

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Dwight Kravitz

Associate Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; 
Affiliated Faculty: Neuroscience Institute and Mind-Brain Institute

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Stephen Mitroff

Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience

John Philbeck
John W Philbeck

Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience

Gabriela Rosenblau updated headshot
Gabriela Rosenblau

Assistant Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; Director of Cognitive Neuroscience BA Program

Lawrence Rothblat

Research Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience

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Sarah Shomstein

Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience; Affiliated Faculty: Neuroscience Institute and Mind-Brain Institute

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Myeong-Ho Sohn

Associate Professor, Cognitive Neuroscience